
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Here’s How to Clean Mold from Canvas Tents

Canvas tents are an excellent option for any camping trip. But a common problem that arises with most campers, is mold! Even though mold can be found anywhere, when you use the tents in the dark and damp environments, the chances of mold formation become high. When it comes to cleaning the molds from the tent, you may find it to be difficult.

Here’s How to Clean Mold from Canvas Tents
To make your work easier, here is a list of ways for effective cleaning of the molds from your precious tents.
  • Remove Excess Dirt and Debris
In order to get rid of the molds, it is important that you at first, thoroughly clean the tent and remove all the excess dirt and debris. Unfurl the tent and shake it vigorously in order to remove the maximum amount of dust.

You can then remove the remaining dust with the help of a vacuum cleaner with an attached brush for a thorough and deep cleaning. Especially, you need to pay attention to removing dust from the corners, laden areas, and the storage pockets of the canvas tents.
  • Brush with Stiff Bristles
Before cleaning the canvas tents with soapy water you can brush it with stiff bristles. Brushing with the stiff bristles helps in removing the loosely held molds easily. This way the chemicals used on the fabric will work more efficiently as well as faster.
  • Use Mold Cleaning Chemicals
After removing the loose molds with stiff bristles or vacuum, the next step is to use the mold cleaning chemicals in order to eliminate the molds permanently. You can either use the simple mixture of vinegar and water or special chemicals like Concrobium. Spraying the chemicals on the mold-afflicted areas and scrubbing it with a sponge can help in eliminating the molds effectively. With high-quality chemicals, you will not have to rinse the tent vigorously afterwards as the solution will work its magic automatically. In the case of a more stubborn mold, you need to repeat this process another time, for better outcomes.
  • Wash with Warm Water
Once you remove the molds from the canvas tents, you need to wash the tent with warm water. Using a mixture of hot water, salt, and lemon, scrub the tent lightly with a soft brush. Make sure to avoid the use of bleach or detergent soaps, which is considered to be harsh for the fabric of these canvas tents and may also become tough for you to rinse. After a thorough cleaning, allow the tent to dry in order to remove the smell before storing it.

Chemicals for Removing Mold from Canvas Tents

While removing mold from the surface of the canvas tents may be tricky, the various chemicals available can help in making the task easy. Some of the popularly used chemicals to remove the molds include:
  • Concrobium
Concrobium works like magic in cleaning molds from the canvas tents popularly used by the campers. It penetrates to the root of the molds and helps in removing them effectively. Without the use of ammonia, bleach, or other harsh products, Concrobium effectively eliminates the molds. Simply spraying the mixture of concrobium and warm water can help in Chemicals for Removing Mold from Canvas Tents getting rid of the molds and prevent further molds from forming on the tent’s surface.
  • Mirazyme
Mirazyme has active enzymes that help in eliminating the fungi spores/molds and getting rid of the smell easily. Soaking the tent in a solution of mirazyme and lukewarm water and leaving it for a few minutes can help in eliminating the molds fast. Without having to rinse multiple times, you can conveniently clean your tent in no time.
  • Vinegar
Being readily available in every kitchen, vinegar is one of the most commonly used chemicals for removing the molds from such a canvas tent. It serves as a mild acidic disinfectant and helps in cleaning approximately 80% of the molds. It also aids in preventing the mold from occurring again in the future.
  • Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is one of the most effective chemicals for the removal of molds from your camping tents. Having both antibacterial as well as antifungal properties, tea tree oil aids in cleaning the molds and preventing them from occurring again. Made of natural ingredients, this chemical is also considered safe for use. You can directly pour this oil on the mold-afflicted area and leave it for some time in order to remove them completely.
  • Fabric Guards
When it comes to dealing with molds on your canvas tent, the fabric guard solutions are a popularly used chemical. Fabric guards not only help in cleaning the molds but also protect the fabric and prevent the molds from recurring in the future. With this easily accessible solution, removing molds no longer remains a difficult task for you.

Following the above-mentioned methods and using the right chemicals can help you in smoothly cleaning the molds from canvas tents. With the right solution, you can even prevent their further growth and use the tents conveniently for your upcoming camping trips.

This blog was first published on our site here