
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Why You Should Buy Roof Tents for Camping

The worst thing that can happen during camping is to sleep in an uncomfortable spot. Imagine that you, after a full day’s exciting yet exhaustive adventure, set up your canvas tent. You snuggle inside and lie down hoping for a good night’s rest. But what is that? An uneven soggy and lumpy ground? You change positions, but end up tossing and turning the entire night. What’s even worse is that saving the tent from water is next to impossible if there’s rain!

Why You Should Buy Roof Tents for Camping
There is an easy solution to it you know. For places like forests and woods, sandy area, hilly stone sites or even parks, you can set up roof tents. Not sure what we are talking about? Here is all the information you need about roof tents for your next camping trip.

   What are Roof Tents?

Roof tents are a camper’s best friend, particularly when you want to camp in wet areas or places where there is a chance of land sliding. Commonly known as the rooftop tent, these tents can be placed on top of your cars. They can also be placed on the roof bars that can fit on various cars and stand on the ground to provide stability.
The most wonderful thing about these tents is that they can easily be fitted in a small gear and then packed into your car for comfortable traveling. They are available in the waterproof material so even if you experience rain, you won’t get wet. Roof tents are simple to erect and lightweight too, which makes it easy for anyone to set them up even if they are not a pro at camping.
So why should you invest in a roof tent for your upcoming camping trip?

   Roof Tents are a Good Investment

Most common ground tents can sometimes become rather difficult to manage. You may need to use hammers for pegs and read up the entire manual to make the tent stand up straight. It doesn’t just take extra time, it also involves a lot of effort. Also, you need to take it down every time you move or whenever water comes into the tent. Just think of all the extra hard work involved, particularly after a long day of trekking through your camping trip. The idea is enough to want you not to go camping.
Hence the reason roof top tents are all the rage these days. Here are all the reasons why you should invest in one.

   Easy to Set Up

When you are tired after all the exploring, all you feel like at night is to eat, get warm and sleep. This is why roof tents are perfect for your camping trips. You can set up the whole thing within two minutes! One person can set up a tent on their own – you don’t need a person to hold up corners or tie the ends.
Of course, you will need to practice a little at first, but you can do that in advance before going on your trip. The best part is that you can leave your pillows, sheets and other things like a reading lamp, portable fan or your book inside when you take it off the roof. Could things get any simpler?

   Roomy and Comfy

This may come as a surprise, but root tents are super roomy and comfortable. Depending on the size you get, 2-4 people can easily sleep in one without getting in each other’s faces or falling off from the tent.

   It Does not Occupy Space… Inside the Car!

You don’t have to pack up the tent and put it inside your car. The tent folds up and can be tied to the top of the car and leave you lots of space inside the car for other camping gear and essentials. What’s more, you can even leave the tent open if you are only traveling for a short way and plan to set up camp within a few short miles.

   No Hassle of Cleaning or Outside Dangers

You do not have to pick up anything once you invest in a root tent. There is no need to clean the tent of debris, dirt or leaves as the camp was up from the ground at all times. What’s more, they also save you from a variety of insects, small animals, and snakes. No animal will want to climb up and attack you. So you are safe when you are in a rooftop tent.

   You can Camp Pretty Much Anywhere!

When you are traveling through some town and want access to a bathroom, snacks and Wi-Fi connection then the best place to set camp is in the parking lot of a fast-food joint or a supermarket like Walmart. Of course, you will need to seek permission from the owner of the place first but most businesses allow campers to park in the parking lot since you are using their services.
Not only roof tents are convenient and comfortable, but they are also cool to look at. People become awed when they see the advance tents you are using while they put up extra efforts to erect a ground tent. Now, do you have enough reasons to want to put your money up for a rooftop tent? Well, if there is any camping trip in foresight, now is the time to look up good and affordable tents and invest in them right away. You will not regret the decision and it won’t be long before you recommend these awesome tents to other campers! Have fun.

This blog was first published on our website